These bags are called "Shop Specials". When we're feeling a creative itch, we design a bag and put it up for grabs. They are 1 of 1. First come, first serve. To learn about upcoming Shop Specials and their release dates, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram.
SOLD OUTShop Special30$1,600.00
SOLD OUTShop Special27 / 28 / 29$900.00
SOLD OUTShop Special026$3,000.00
SOLD OUTShop Special025$2,500.00
SOLD OUTShop Special024$2,000.00
SOLD OUTShop Special023$2,000.00
SOLD OUTShop Special022$2,000.00
SOLD OUTShop Special021$1,600.00
SOLD OUTShop Special020$2,000.00
SOLD OUTShop Special019$1,400.00
SOLD OUTShop Special018$1,000.00
SOLD OUTShop Special017$1,000.00
SOLD OUTShop Special016$1,100.00
SOLD OUTShop Special015$1,200.00
SOLD OUTShop Special013 & 014$2,000.00
SOLD OUTShop Special012$1,500.00
SOLD OUTShop Special011$950.00